Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can found fast answers on the most common questions from our clients.

  • What is Dtional?

    Dtional is a high-tech online platform designed specifically to provide wide and direct access to modern high-yield digital investment instruments.

  • How does the Dtional platform work?

    The Dtional platform takes under management the digital assets of corporate clients and private investors. These funds are placed on trading, reserve, investment accounts of the company, and then used in trading operations on crypto exchanges, provided to ensure the liquidity of digital financial instruments, invested in promising blockchain startups. The assets are managed by qualified specialists whose work is aimed at preservation and growth of the capital entrusted by our clients and partners.

  • What are the requirements for investors, who can become a Dtional client?

    Any person who has reached the age of 18 can invest, regardless of the country of residence and citizenship. To become a Dtional partner, you don't need a special education and your social status is not relevant. The only requirement is your compliance with the rules for use of the investment tools provided by the platform.

  • How do I register with Dtional?

    The registration process in Dtional is simple and totally free. You just need to click at a "Sign Up" button and fill in the form that opens. Make sure to study and accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. It is recommended to save or memorize your login and password. Once your sign up application is submitted, follow the instructions to confirm and activate your user account.

  • Is it possible to change the password?

    We recommend you to change your user password regularly in order to increase the protection of your personal account from intruders and preserve the security of funds on your investment accounts.

  • Is it possible to change the email address in Dtional?

    The e-mail specified during registration cannot be changed through the user profile panel, since it is used as a key for authorization and login to your personal account. To change your email address, please, contact the support service.